A Discussion on the Protection for Minority Shareholders from the Shareholder Representative Litigation System; The Protection of Small and Medium-sized Shareholders 'Interest in Company Control Transaction 论公司控制权交易中的中小股东利益保护
Our legislation stipulates mandatory tender offer system at the beginning of our securities market in the principle of protecting minority shareholders 'interest. 我国公司收购立法基于保护中小投资者的理念,从证券市场发展初期就确立了强制性要约收购制度。
This thesis further analysed the tender offer system available in our country, pointing out the defects of protection method at present and putting forward the realistic necessity of judicial relief to the minority shareholders 'interest during tender offer. 分析了我国现有的要约收购制度,凸显出小股东在要约收购中的弱者地位,指出在现实中保护小股东权益的缺陷,进而提出赋予要约收购小股东权益司法救济权具有现实必要性。
One of the terms changed is, for the first time, to provide a minority of shareholders with the right to take legal proceedings of subrogation lawsuit, which strongly protects the interest of the small and medium shareholders. 其中一项制度创新即是首次赋予了少数股东代位诉讼的权利,加强了对中小股东利益的保护力度。
Criminal and administrative relief to the minority shareholders 'interest in the process of tender offer is regulated fully in securities law. 我国证券立法对要约收购中小股东权益的刑事和行政救济规定得较为全面,但对与刑事和行政救济并行存在缺一不可的民事救济,则规定得过于原则或者不全面,甚至没有涉及。
In order to solve the problem how to limit the abuse of power by the controlling shareholders, the United Kingdom and the United States as well as other western countries impose the fiduciary duty to the controlling shareholders to protect the company and the minority shareholders 'interest. 为了解决如何限制控股股东滥用控制权的问题,英美等西方国家对控股股东科以诚信义务来保护公司或中小股东的利益。
According to the article, the protective mechanism of minority shareholders was very important to the whole stock repurchase and the fiduciary duty was the most efficient way of protecting minority shareholders rights by adjusting the inside interest relationships of the corporation. 本文认为,中小股东的权益保护机制对于完善股份回购制度具有重要意义,而公司董事及控制股东的信义义务能够从调节公司内部利益关系入手,有效保护中小股东的权利。
This thesis also compares the distinction of the method of foreign countries 'judicial relief to the minority shareholders' interest during tender offer, some experience are quite useful to the legislation of our country. 然后,以要约收购中小股东权益司法救济的必要性为基础,通过考察国外要约收购中小股东权益司法救济的途径,比较分析了各国在对要约收购中小股东权益司法救济途径上的差异。
Analyzes theoretically the relevant factors and corporate investment under the control of major shareholders, namely ownership structure, the interests of major shareholder encroachment upon minority shareholders, the conflict of interest between major shareholders and creditors, it provides corresponding theory for the following empirical study. 从理论上分析了大股东控制下与企业投资的相关因素,即股权结构、大股东对小股东利益的侵占及大股东与债权人利益冲突,为后续的实证研究提供了相应的理论依据。
The first part describes the basic theory of the tender offer and the protection of minority shareholders 'interest, clearing the meaning and characteristics of the tender offer and analysising the weak position of minority shareholders and its causes. 第一部分阐述了要约收购与中小股东保护的一般理论,明确要约收购的含义与特征,分析中小股东的弱势地位及其成因,从不同的角度阐释了对中小股东利益进行法律保护的重要意义。
Among them minority shareholders have attracted a lot of attention because of the particularity of their share. In fact, whether in the separate and reunion of corporation or in the daily managing activities how to protect their interest has been the focus of the corporation law. 不论是在公司的分立合并中,还是在日常的经营活动中,中小股东由于所持股份的特殊性,其利益的保护一直是公司法研究关注的焦点。
The second chapter discusses the scope of the minority shareholders and some characteristics, knows the reason why the minority shareholders is vulnerable, and the necessary and practical significance for protection of minority shareholders 'interest. 第二章讨论了小股东的范围和他自身的一些特点,得出小股东容易受到侵害的原因、小股东权益保护的现实需要和法理基础。